Removable Dentures

Removable dentures are difficult to deal with especially when considering the lower arch. Implants have made it easy to help retain these dentures in place allowing easier chewing, talking and all around functioning. These implant retained dentures still require nightly removal and regular maintenance every 6 months. 

Implant Options

With the advancements within implant dentistry, the possibilities and options available to patients are vast.

One fact to consider when dealing with dental implants is that they do require healing time. Once an implant is placed in the the bone, it requires 4 months of undisturbed healing time where that tooth will be missing. After those 4 months, we are able to attach a tooth to that implant. With all things considered. 

Single Tooth Restoration

Patients who require a single tooth restoration are usually candidates for an immediate implant. This includes the extraction of the tooth in question, placement of the implant and bone graft. All in one single appointment. This helps minimize healing time and additional surgeries. 

Non-removable Fixed Implant Retained Bridge

This is the best implant prosthesis we can place in the mouth. This consists of multiple implants with screwed or cemented teeth which are NON-REMOVABLE. Only your implant dentist can remove this. 

Patients who need a full arch of implants can qualify for teeth-in-a-day. These patients are able to have teeth screwed-in immediately because they are having multiple implants to help anchor the teeth in place.