Implant Maintenance

Bruxing, Grinding and Soft Nightguards

Soft nightguards are highly recommended for all implant patients. Implant teeth function differently than natural teeth in many ways. The most important reason is that implant teeth are fixed, rigid anchors that have no mobility. Natural teeth are slightly mobile and move all the time when in use. The reasoning behind this is that natural teeth have something call the periodontal ligament or PDL. This stucture allows for mild movement which can actually serve as a buffer for compression. This is another reason why the occlusion or bite must be checked every 6 months during the recall appt.  

What is Bruxism? 

Bruxism is the grinding of teeth during the day or night. Forces in bruxism tend to be stronger than regular chewing forces. These biting forces can wear down, fracture and devitalize teeth as well as induce jaw muscle soreness. Bruxism is also very harmful to dental implants. Grinding of teeth on implants can result in fracture of implant failure.  

What is Clenching? 

Clenching is the constant squeezing or applied force of keeping the teeth together. Clenching has similar signs also found in bruxism. 

What is a Nightguard? 

​A nightguard is a dental appliance made from soft acrylic that is typically worn at night while sleeping and sometimes during the day if grinding is present. Soft nightguards make a large of difference for bruxers and clenchers by reducing force on teeth, and help prevent the fracture and failure of crowns, fillings and dental implants. As a dental implant patient, soft nightguard is highly recommended for future care of your implants.